суббота, 20 ноября 2010 г.

Tizanidine (Zanaflex, Sirdalud, pain, muscle relaxer, muscle relaxant)

b8ikm4rfv.ignacio.abellag.blog@blogger.com Pai*nkillers ca+n cause naus,ea, a.pathy, vomiting, a,nd most -sig'nificantly, res+piratory depre'ssion*. Some an*tibiotics a,re effective -against_ certai-n types of bac,teria; -others can fig-ht many b'acter-ia. We can no't prote_ct you from asthm+a but we ca*n pro'vide you _with some effec*tive med*ication! A' 60-ye'ar-old man develop-s shortne'ss of br'eath with s'light exe+rtion,- though he, never sm.oked. We have n,ever' sold any of our me+dicatio,ns chea-per than we sell- this a-mazing an*tibiotic no_w! Is you_r asthma pr+eventing y,ou fr*om exercising?* It doesn,'t have to!* Keep on mov,ing! Obesi_ty can str,ike, not only adu_lts but alsp c_hildren a-nd ad+olescents too. 'Take care _of your famil'y! On many' occas'ions,* patients have +asked me wh'ether exerc-ise will, help pre,vent as-thma. Causes of -erectile_ dysfuncti-on can be phy'sical o,r psychologi*cal_, but not related t,o u,nderwear. I ha*ve never tol*d an,yone about t_he fact that th+is exc'ellent antibio+tic act_ually save,d my life on-ce. You m,ay not hav.e all- of asthma sy,mptoms, o-r you may have 'sympt'oms at di'fferent' times. Obesity- is a _problem tha_t is not t'aken seriously+ by most peop'l*e. Are you aware' of the .risk? Allergy' prev*alence has been i'n.creasing sinc.e the early 198.0s acro+ss all 'age, sex and -racial, groups. The_re is currentl+y no cure fo,r asthma a,n-d no single' exact caus_e that has been i-dentifie.d. Pai+nkiller ad,diction is- gradually becom-ing. one of the most *common ,forms of. drug add.iction. It* is not nor.mal for 'a man to los'e erectile- function comp-letel_y as a result of, the agi_ng process,. D_ietary changes, ex+ercise*, activity & -behavior* change - this, complex .ensures obe_sit_y elimination-. If 'you have extr.a weight you. are at risk +of s_erious heal*th problems th,at may occ_ur due to _obesity. I _still *remember ho,w much tim_e and mon.ey I had wasted+ before I *found an -effecti*ve antibiotic' Painkiller,s bloc_k pain recepto+rs in the +brain an+d al.leviate the 'sensation of p+ain in the b_ody. Me.n are_ less lik+ely to see a docto-r and t,heir chanc*ed to catc-h up ,a serious disease ,and s'uffer. This- month w+e provide a*ll our new 'customers w'ith ama'zing opport.unity to boo_st the- desire! In* addition to 'noisy and ra*pid brea,thing, asthma _in- kids can cause .frequent c.ough,ing spells. Diets* t.hat promise -easy and steady +we*ight loss are- tricky advertis,eme'nts of cunning .pha*rmacists!!!_ Avoiding alle,rgic peopl-e does not' save 'you from allergen-s – t*hey are every_where, watc.h out! Anti-biotic, resistanc_e results f,rom gene+ action. I ca'n tell you mu-c.h more about the*se drugs! _Even if yo'u have no rea,sons to 'get obese li'ke- genetics or+ depression,. be c,areful with your *calories! A -kid su+ddenly d-evelops shortnes,s of b,reath wh,en visiting -his grandmo+ther wh*o has a _cat. A bike* and seat th*at fit ergo'nomic*ally with a ma'n's body. can drive away a-ll threat*s fo.r penis. Here are, the m*ost co*mmon causes of *obesit-y: genet_ics, illness, psy-cholog,y and life-style habits. In-flammati_on, mucus, produc-tion, & *muscle constrictio.n, shrink the ai*rways if you ,have as_thma. Se+veral unpleasan.t changes_ happen' in the airways _in the lu*ngs of peo+ple who h+ave asthm-a. It is usu'ally po.ssible to man*age pe't alle.rgies withou,t getting rid of *your cat, or dog!+ Read m,ore! It is a c_ommon m'yth that +a child will out+grow h'is ast.hma. Never stop' your cou+rse of medi'cine! Eating h*eal-thier produc.ts with *smaller calo-rie inta_ke is vit.al to ove+rcoming obesi*ty & getting. slim._ If your pa*in improves, you ,can 'sometimes be p_rescribed ,a mil_der painkiller th*an yo*u take. -Exposure to l.atex alle,rgen alo.ne is responsible+ for over_ 200 case,s of. anaphylaxis a,llergy 'each year.+ I have read ab-out spec.ial tips tha.t help as'thmatic* people to s.olve _their problems with+ breathin*g. I've b'een absolut.ely indif*fer,ent to asthma unti'l my child_ deve-loped awful ,breathing_ problems. In +addition to. nois+y and 'rapid breathing-, asthm*a in kids +can cause* frequent coughi.ng spel_ls. A we,ight-loss +program usually -combine,s lots of ex+ercises, me-dications* and strict ,dietin,g! Asthma ,attack happe.ns when -the airways mu,scles ,squeeze. tight, causin-g the air'ways to -narrow. I h-ave read ab-out special t+ips that_ help asth*matic, people t-o solve their pro*blems ,with brea,thing. You s-hould n.ever start taking' pa_inkiller,s without your heal'th care ,provi'der's pr_escription. I h,ave re,ad about special t_ips tha,t help a.sthmatic p*eople _to solve th.eir problems wit'h br,eathing. The food, y.ou eat provides wi-th 'calories and if th.ere are to-o many, you start get_ting sto.ut. Wat_ch out The food- *you eat provides ,with cal'ories and if _there are ,too many yo_u s+tart get,ting stout. Watch .out .Shrimps, pean+uts, f,ruits or vegetable.s a're most w_ide spread 'food allergens. _Eat- reasonabl,y! Quite often wo'men over .the ag'e of 55 tend* to have_ higher -blood cholestero,l levels th.an men. 'I have rea-d about spe-cial tips. that hel*p asth,matic people to- solve th+eir prob-lems with br'eathi+ng. Moving to ano-ther locati,on is n-o guaran+tee of relief fo_r alle-rgy suff.erers. Don''t hurry to move,. Ear'ly asthm*a warning* signs incl-ude feelin,g very tire'd, upset or we_ak whe*n exercis-ing. Listen, _107 m.illion, or 1 *in 5 adu.lts in our countr'y, has cho*lesterol l-evels abov_e 200 mg/d+L._ The most co.mmon allergie+s are, to animal _dander, cleani*ng products+ or oth-er strong od_ours. Lo*w self-esteem, g'ui_lt, emotiona*l stress, or. traum.a can lead to o-vere+ating resul+ting in ob,esity. Whe,n you eat ,more calori_es than y+our body needs,, you tend to _gai+n weight! Ar.e you ready f+or it? It is, not n_ormal for a _man to- lose erecti*le funct-ion complet_ely as ,a result of the+ aging_ process. If -it is y.ou who de'pend on seaso_nal allergy tha_n *it is high ti_me for y_ou to try out our- new dr.ug! Som*e people w.ith asthma may g+o f+or extende*d periods wit-hout havi.ng any s+ymptoms. The be,st t'ime to take an a'ntih-istamine, which ,blocks al,lergic reac-tion,s, is before the- atta'ck. For o_lder men, t.he use of al*cohol, even in -s_mall amounts may* inhibit ere_ctile .capacit'y. Beware_! I promise y+ou that the' medication+ I'm ta+lking abo-ut will improv-e your sexu.al life. 5 times! What 'innov+ations can be f,ound in p'harmaceutica'l+s? Most inno,vative allerg_y treatment fo'r_ you! If you have e.arly warni+ng' signs or symp-toms, you sho'ul'd take mor.e asthma medicat+ion. When _there is too .much cho*les'terol in your bloo+d, it bui+lds .up in the wall_s of your ar-teries*. We provide_ our 'customers only with+ effectiv-e and s*afe med_ications, you+ don't have+ to worr,y! Obesity – th-is short' world s'cares+ people all+over the -world to death. Th-ose, people who u.ndersta*nd! Obese+ people suffer +every day no,t only -from the way t*hey l+ook but from num'erous di+seases.! Antibiot.ics are u,sually ta'ken by mo+uth, but can someti.mes be gi,ven in-to a vein, into' a muscl+e. Act-ually every thi_rd sexually. act.ive man in the* world+ faces p*roblems wit_h potenc'y once. Different_ dieta_ry strateg_ies are meant fo-r _everyone to fin_d his/her id-eal _method of losing, weight! _Your da_ily calorie in_take c.an be the k*ey poi.nt in your stru-ggle with s+evere ob'esity. Try it 'out now'! Im.munotherapy. ultimately wor,ks in up _to 80% of peop_le_ with peren*nial alle-rgic rhini'tis. Stop wai*ting fo,r bacteria t'o catch you by s*urprise!' Try our s_uper effec+tive ant.ibiotic an*d relax! My h'usband .has never* been *that active i_n bed! I hav+e sex 'as often as I al.way+s wanted! Many p'eople- report nause'a and som_etimes vomi+ting after_ taking s_trong pain, relief m_edication's. I can not+ find th'e time for e-xercisin_g and cooking he'althy .food. But I_ hope I wi-ll never get. obese! How 'do I lear*n t,hat spring has come-?. My nose start+s running an-d my eyes itc.h. It's- allergy! *There ar_e no cures f,or allergies_. All*ergies can be .managed 'with proper *pre.vention and* treatment. ' When y-ou eat more *calories th,an your body _need+s, you tend to- gain weight! -Are *you ready for *it? In thi,s letter you+ will ,find health ag_enc*y's monitoring of. obesity -and rel+ated disea,ses data. If _you have o_ther risk -facto'rs as well a,s high cholest-erol, thi,s ris*k increase.s even more. Ora'l immunot'herapy hold+s som*e promis_e for curing. food a.llergies, includi+ng severe .peanut al_lergy-. Asthma is now t*he most com_mon ,chronic illness+ in childr_en, affe_cting one in -e,very 15. I know' what you +need to st+op impo+tence playing di*rty tri_cks on your s.exual ,life, dud*e! Many of pai'nkilling d*rugs can cau,se mild si_de effe.cts, .such as constip-ation. and dry 'mouth. Tell m-e, what is_ the rea-son to tak*e antibiotics -if they ca-nnot tr.eat your *viral infection_ at al*l? The do-se of paink*illing dru'gs you take will- be careful*ly t*ailored *to your ow.n special need_s. If you. suddenly fac_es im'potence, don't p'anic,- slow dow_n and go back to .forepl'ay. It may wo-rk!- Remember that ex-ces_sive and inapp'ropri*ate antibiotic us*e can lead _to antib-iotic ,resistance. C-ommon as-thma symp.toms include+ coughing., especially at *night, wh.eezing a'nd pressure. -A severe. asthm-a attack can +be lif_e-threatening., Make sure 'you have an' emergency .plan_! Doctors a*nd the gove,rnment are' crackin*g down on pre-scription p+ainkiller*s. Lea-rn more now.! We hav-e never sold a+ny of our me*dications ch-ea_per than we sel-l this am.azing antib-ioti-c now! Little- kids with- serious' diseases - it +is v'ery sad, but it of-ten_ happens. T,ry new aller'gy relief. W_e have nev_er sol-d any of *our medicatio.ns chea.per than we 'sell this* amazing -antibiotic n*ow! Status as-thmaticus -is a sever-e asthma atta+ck tha+t doesn't ge't better- as usual med'icin,e is taken. Up to, 4 out, of 5 peo,ple wit*h asthma +have troub-le with noisy bre,athing d+uring or after+ exer+cise. Many p+eople+ suffer from aller'gies but v.ery few o'f th-em give up. A-nd yo+u shouldn't _as well. .Swimming i,s an optim-al exercise for th.ose wit.h asthma. Thi+nk t_wice bef'ore make -your choice!, The mai,n difference_ of this impo,tence tre-atment is ,that it real'ly works! 'See you.rself! 'Knowing ever.ything about ast*hma ,and its symp_toms doesn'+t give a g+uarantee of p+rotection.. Learn +more a'bout asthma att_acks .and why early* treatment is, impor*tant to pre.vent asthma! P+ain relie-f medica+tions' as any other dru,g ar*e aimed at- improvin-g your life and _cond_ition. Bronchi_al tubes th-at are chro.nically infla_me,d become ove'rly sensiti.ve to +allergens 'or irritants. .Cholesterol i-s a bui_lding block ,for cell memb*ranes & +hormones' like est+rogen '& testosterone. Mor*e t'han 50 million Am_eric.ans suffer, from all,ergies or an+ related diseas,es, lik_e asthma'. If you tak'e antibiotic+s whe+n you do+n't need them_, they ma.y lose their ,ability to ki-ll* bacteria. The mor-e +risk factors y'ou have, t,he grea,ter your c.hance of -developing c-oronary heart ,disease. Som-e antibiot.ics become. less effe*c.tive if they *are take_n with food. .Observe- the inst.ructions! 75- % of sui,cides in the worl'd are co_mmitted b.y men who sud_denly f.aced pot+ency proble-ms. Read our +qui'ck answers to commo.n asthma _qu-estions so you can -stay well_ and be act_ive! Th.e percen.tage of kids w-ith ,allergic d,ermatiti,s increased f-rom 3% in the, 60s to 10% i,n t'he 90s. Your ri,sk of high +chole_sterol increa_ses if a f+ather or br.oth'er was affected by- hea_rt disease.' Cholesterol doe-sn't ca-use symp_toms, peopl*e often- think their .cholestero'l is ok when i't's_ not. If a pe-rson is a-llergi+c to flower poll+en he -obviously shou.ld try our+ brand, new allergy me*dicine. 'Antibioti-cs do not cure _infection's caused* by viru.ses and sho'uld not 'be taken in the,se cases. +Men ar'e often confuse'd a'nd a little embar*rassed -about their+ very pe_rsonal h,ealth care i,ssues. ,Remember, re*ducing the -amount of f,at in y+our diet helps 'lower_ your blood c+holesterol l.evel'. A majo_r cause of s.evere asthm*a is ci'garette smoke_, either- 1st or 2nd han-d. Avoid sm'oking! Eve_n best me.dications_ and innovati-ve -surgery may be in_effec-tive in obes'ity treatment._ Remember-! As many .as 20% -of Americans, be,lieve they* have a food al*lergy…but l*ess th*an 1% really do. *Not being* activ+e is a ri.sk factor f.or hea_rt disease. Phys-ical act_ivity can hel-p lower c-holestero'l. We have ,never s,old any_ of our medica.tions che*aper than we s+ell this am-azi*ng antibio*tic now! Obesi'ty oft_en forces people+ to- commit cra-zy deeds, even su.icides!_ Those pe,ople really n,eed help. *Obesity – th*is short w_orld scar'es peopl'e al-lover the world_ to death-. Those pe'ople who und*ersta_nd! Painkiller ad*di'ction is gradually- becom'ing one of th.e most' common forms of- drug addi_ctio,n. If gradually 'in*crease the, amount you e.xercise yo'u probab-ly will cope with- obesity,' in 10-15 y*ears... If you ha've othe*r risk fa,ctors as w*ell as high c.holest-erol, this ,risk increases ev*en ,more. Chronic +allergies a+re dif,ficult to cure b_ut you *can obtain' control ov.er your a.llergy w+ith this… +7 out of the .top 11 drugs' abused by. teenagers* a,re prescripti'on and over-'the-count,er medications.* A ,bike and se+at that fit -ergono-mically with a _man's bo.dy can drive aw'ay -all threats fo.r penis. Acc-ording ,to a -recent survey A.merican men ha_d few*er health te-sts and inves.tigat,ions this -year. Ea*rly asthma _warning signs+ include 'wheezing _or coughi,ng after e.xercise, be+ing mo+ody. I know everyth*ing -about world mo.st -popular medication-s for .impotence tre_atment!' Someo-ne who is over 20% *of the +"avera+ge" heaviness f-or the.ir size, is judg-ed, as being o+bese. Do' you know that wome_n, over age 20 should. have_ their choleste*rol ch-ecked by their+ docto.r. Which hous.ehold c*leaners a+re most effecti,v*e in cleaning 'food a*llergens of'f of kitchen coun_ters? ,Though not cura-ble, ast.hma can be_ co,ntrolled with d+rugs and -by avoiding +contact wi*th trigg*ers. Some p,eople ma*y only have asth'ma dur+ing exercise ,or asthma w+ith v.iral infe,ctions like co-lds.' Food intoleran_ce is a dige-stiv,e system response., whereas' a a_llergy is an i.mmun+e system resp,onse. Asthm,a tends +to get worse a*t night., Nocturnal asth-ma a.ttacks o-ccur while _a person is sleep,ing.+ When ast'hma symptom+s get more in'tense and/or. additional- -symptoms appear*, thi-s is an attack. Be_twe+en 35 and 50 pe_rcent' of men with d,iabetes .experien,ce erectile dys'function. Tak*e goo*d care! Eati_ng h,ealthier pr,oducts with- smaller calor*ie intake is .vi.tal to overcomi'ng obesity & +getting s*lim. The- preval'ence of re*ported food- allerg+y cases increased ,18% a+mong chi-ldren und*er age 18 ye+ars. Too -much chol*esterol i+n your body is a ma-jor factor. for hea+rt dise.ase. Thi*nk about .it, man! Men ha.ve les's chance .to build a rel,ation+ship with 'their doctor or nur,se as t-hey never vi_sit them._ People tend* to o+vereat .all the ti*me and fin.ally many of them* beco-me obese.* Is it your pat'h as w_ell? Veget+arians .are at much lo+wer risk of ge.tting obes-e, as we+ll as .sportsmen… T+hink about it! Ome*prazole' (Omeprazole S*odium Bicar-bonate Capsule,s, Ze_gerid) Mojo *Maxx [mojomax+x] cabo+trim clopido.grel .Acai — Weigh.t Loss, Obesi-ty, Weigh.t Management, Z-yvox (Linez'olid) Sl*eep Tea — Ay.urveda, Sleep, .Insomnia K,amagra' (sildenafil-) Sty,plon — Bl'eeding, Hemo*rrhoids, H*ematuria Sp,irulina Caps'ules Lozol (+Indapamide, ,Natrilix)' Thorazi.ne (Chlorp+romazi*ne) Effexor [eff_exor]. (Venlafaxi+ne, Efexo'r) Avelox [a'velox]_ (Moxifloxac+in hydrochl.oride, Viga.mox, Avalox, _I,zilox) Tav*ist [tavist] (cle-mastine, -mecl+astin, tavegi+l, tavegyl) diac-or shig_ru bon_nisan drops cort+al Dostine'x (Cabergo*lin*e, Cabaser, Pro*last-at, Cabotr_im) Wellbu+trin SR — Depressi*on,, Major Depress+ive D.isorder cipro-xin W*eight Management- bph Mi_crolean — W+eight Lo,ss, Obesit*y hirsutism A+CS bowe+l inflammation ,Clofazi+mine (-lamprene) Co'mbivir [com.bivir] (La-mivudine/Z+idovudine) d*yrenium Ver*apamil (Iso*pt,in, Verela.n, Verelan. PM, Calan, Bo'soptin, cover*a) anexil Se_x Toni'c 100% *Pure Okinawan+ Coral Calc.ium sporidex +Seda.tive Liore-sal (Baclofen', Kems.tro, Baclospa,s, pain, mus_cle r,elaxer, muscle re_l.axant) Cialis Sof't Tab+s [cialissoft.tabs] (Tada'lafil) aciv+ir a.volve vinzam dolol. norflohe-xal Pana,dol E_xtra (acetaminop_hen, p'aracetamo'l) Cyclos'porine Eye Dr-ops — Dry Eye,+ Te+ar Produc'tion, Keratoc+onjunctiv.itis Sicca Di*flucan (Fluco_naz.ole, Tric_an) Lean Tea *[leantea] -Cluster Headac.hes Rocalt,rol [roca'ltrol] (cal_citriol) ce'les+tone sleepwell _Ginse,ng [ginseng] Amala_ki Coron-ary Artery D.iseas,e lisinopril+ amitryptily_n Zyprexa, (Olanzapi,ne, Zalasta,, Zolaf_ren, O.lzapin, Rexapin) V.ytorin (Ez'etimi,be/Simvastati,n, Inegy) 'Cleocin, (Clindamycin+,* Dalacin, Clinacin,+ Evocl.in) ezet*imibe Vibramy_cin — Bact-eria+l Infectio+ns hepatit+is Nematodes Reg.lan (Metocl*op*ramide, Maxolon, D,egan, Ma'xeran, Pri-mperan, Pylom'id, _Clopram,+ Dibertil, Gastros'il, Impera.n, Metlaz.el, Plas'il, Primper-an) Viag+ra — Erecti-le Dys-function, Mal.e Enhanceme,nt, Erec*tion,+ Impotence -clopram Cytoxan _— Canc.er, Chemotherapy-, Ne,phrotic 'Syndrome -RSV Infe*ction Acute Lympho,blasti*c Leukemia *kinzal No_nsuppurat*ive Thyroiditis+ addison's. dise-ase dimenh.ydrinate (dramam+ine)' Proscar (F+inaster,ide, Propecia) 'Ment*at Pills — Memory _Improveme_nt, _Cognitive Enhance.ment le,vaxin Declo_mycin —* Bacterial *Infections, An,tibio*tic, Acne, Bro*nchi.tis, Lyme Dise-ase, -Hyponatremia Pimoz*ide+ [pimozide]_ (Orap, mozep) me.ningitis. histac- oxybutynin +gilex ,l azidothymid,ine monok'et Allopu.rinol [allopurin+ol] (Z'yloprim_, Allohexal, A'llosig,_ Progout, Zy,loric, P_uricos) Trec.ator .SC — Tuberculosis .clarinex e_zetimibe Re.jection -Prevention N'arcole.psy 8 Soma (*Carisopr_odol, Sanom-a, Carisoma,- pain_, carisprodal_, mus,cle relaxer, m*uscle relaxan,t, vanadom*) 2.7_7% Typhoid F'ever G*uduchi pharyngit.is L*exapro (Esc_italopr_am, Cipralex_, Sipralexa, Se*rople-x) Mental He*alth/Epil*epsy clomi.d Prost*ate Cancer .Vasotec '[vasotec] (Enalap_ril, Xanef-, Reni_tec, Pres, Nur_il, In*voril, I'nnovace, Gli-oten, Envas, En,atec, En_ap, Enalag_amma, Ed'nyt, Ecaprini_l, Corvo, Co+nve,rten, BQL, Ben.alipril, A*uspril, Amp-rac+e, Alphapri*l) Smoking Add_iction Heart+z (Large -Dogs) .(Heartgard Plus, 'Iver.mectin, Pyr*antel Pam,oate) si*butramine ,hypovase colg'out Detoxifi*cation Lev-itra Jelly ('vardenaf.il) wei.ght lo_ss Aleve [.aleve] (Na_proxen, Xenob*id, Anap*rox, Miran-ax, Naproges'ic, Naprosyn-, Naprel.an, Proxen, Syn'flex, pain.) bro-nchial asthma s*elegil.ine zyloprim ,Kof Tea , 11 Hu,man Growth Hormon-e (*hgh) 1.74% me+thocarbamo.l Cialis Sup,er Active.+ [c+ialissuperactive] .(Tadalafil)* Chronic O'bstruct'ive Pul.monary Disea,se osteoporo+sis tr'eatment pros,tatitis C,ordarone' [cordarone] (A-miodarone+) Gentami'cin Ey,e Drops (Alcomici+n, Apige-nt, Biogarac'in, Cid.omycin, Diakar*mon_, Epigent, Garami_ci'na, Garamyc+in, Genop_tic, Gens+umycin, Genta-lline, Gent,amen, Ge,ntamina, Gent-amytr_ex, Gentar-ad, Gentas+porin, Gent_icin, Genticyn, *Oph-tagram, Optimyc*in, R.efobacin, Sulmycin.) Pre_dnisolon.e (Orapred, Mi_llipred, D*eltacortri+l, Delt.astab, Pr,ednesol) Quit -Smoking terb.isil Motrin' — Pai*n, Osteoart.hritis, Rheu*matoid A,rthritis,- Joint Pai-n, Inflamma,tion, Fev+er, Head+ache, Toothache 'o'cufen miloph,ene Patanol [pat+anol]- (olopatadine, -Pataday, .Opatanol)- gouty ar_thritis ,ponstal- aristocort+ Osteoporosis tr.eatment ,Aller'gic Rhinitis R+etin-A (Tre*tinoin, A_vita, Renova, _Aberela_, Ret'in A, retin-a-, acne) Loxi'tane (Loxapi'ne, Loxa'pac) Scabies v,iazem p_erivasc Brahm_i q+uininga Atopic D_ermati*tis In Dogs b_ackache r-osiglita,zone maleate, stre,p throat Pr-ecose [preco-se] (aca_rbose, Glucobay,' G,lucor, Rebose) det-ro.l Bursitis Styplo_n prochic

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